Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Half Marathon on the Horizon (somewhere)

So, K (my husband) and I are training for a half marathon at the moment. Unfortunately, we don’t actually know which half marathon we are actually going to run – we were planning on the Paso Robles Wine Country half marathon on March 21st, but that kinda fell through (don’t ask, but it would have been awesome!). But, we’re still sticking to our training plan anyway. Yeah, we’re kinda retarded sometimes.

I am a runner. K is not. In fact, he hates it. But, bless his heart, he is training with me, just to see what all the hype is about. I married a good one, huh?

So, here’s my running background: I have been a runner for about 15 years. I did the cross country/track thing throughout high school, but got burned out on it by the time I went to college, due to all the injuries and wear and tear on my body. But I slowly got back into it as I realized that exercise is a vital part of my existence (and necessary to work off the excessive amount of beer I was sucking down). Moving to Southern California helped get me back into it – with 70 degrees and sunny 80% of the year, there is NO excuse to be just a gym rat, when I can be running alongside the ocean.

This is not my first half marathon… I’ve run two before, both amazing experiences. I can say that I loved every minute of them - I’m totally f-ed up in the head, I know - right down to that moment when I’ve crossed the finish line. Especially when I’ve gotten my best time (PR). For whatever half marathon we end up doing, I hope to beat my current PR of 1:43:38.

In a later post I’ll talk about my training plan, and how well I’m sticking to it, and K’s experience so far. I’ve become a total wimp living here in Cali – the insane amount of rain last week definitely slowed me down some.

Now all I need to do is find a damn half marathon to actually sign up for…



  1. I've always wanted to run a 1/2 marathon and I've never gotten up the motivation to do it. So, congrats to you for being so motivated!! And, congrats to K. for putting in the effort. You're lucky, I really do believe it's easier to exercise when you've got the great weather to do it. (I'm guilty of using the cold weather as an excuse, despite my gym membership, which isn't great, but it does happen from time to time.)

  2. Good luck with training! I admire all you runners more than you could ever imagine. Someday I'm hoping to teach myself how to be a long distance runner..but who knows if that will ever happen..
